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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


The Risks of Not Designating a Power of Attorney

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Many adults understand that they should draft a last will and testament. However, your will is not the only important part of your overall estate plan. There are many other legal documents you may want to draft that will protect your best interests. Unlike your will, some of these documents are effective during your… Read More »

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FAQs About Wills in New Port Richey

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Last wills and testaments, more commonly simply referred to as ‘wills’ are legal documents that outline your wishes after you pass away. The main purpose of a will is to allow you to specify how you would like your property distributed upon your death, but you can also use them to name a personal… Read More »

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Does a New Will Void an Old One?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

The only constant in life is change. Adjusting to these changes throughout your lifetime is important, and that includes updating your will. It is important to update your will after any major life event, such as a birth or divorce. You can use a codicil to change your will, or you may want to… Read More »

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Can a Will Help Loved Ones Avoid the Probate Process?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

For many people, their Last Will and Testament is the foundation of their estate plan. Also known as simply wills, these legal documents have many benefits. They can outline how you want your property distributed after you pass away, name a personal representative who will administer your estate, and appoint a guardian for your… Read More »

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What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Summary Administration in Florida?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

The probate process in Florida is one that can be very time-consuming. However, it does not always have to be this way. Summary administration is a simplified version of the probate process and while it has many benefits, there are also certain drawbacks. These are explained in further depth below. Benefits of Summary Administration … Read More »

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How Homeowners Can Minimize the Risk of Seller Financing

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Although the housing market in Florida has cooled slightly since 2023, prices are still increasing. This shows that there is still a great deal of interest from buyers in the market but with interest rates still being relatively high, this can also turn potential buyers off of purchasing your home. Home sellers often find… Read More »

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What is the Difference Between a Living Will and Advance Directives?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

An estate plan is critical if you want to secure your future and ensure that your wishes are fulfilled during life’s most difficult moments. There are many documents you should include in your estate plan and a living will and advance directives are just common examples of these. Many people believe that these two… Read More »

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Steps in the Summary Administration Process

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Probate is a court-supervised process that occurs after a person passes away so their estate can be administered and property can be distributed to beneficiaries. Many people assume that probate is a lengthy process and truthfully, sometimes it is. Many estates, though, qualify for summary administration, a process that may only take a couple… Read More »

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Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting Your Will

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

All adults in Florida should have a will that outlines how they would like their property distributed after they pass away. Unfortunately, drafting a will is not always as straightforward as it may seem at first. There are many common mistakes that are made, including failing to sign the will or not obtaining the… Read More »

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What Happens if You Do Not Have a Healthcare Surrogate?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

A healthcare surrogate is someone you authorize to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event that you ever become incapacitated and cannot make these decisions for yourself. You give another person this authority through a Designation of Health Care Surrogate form. Your healthcare surrogate should be able to make decisions for you… Read More »

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